Recent Releases from Hundred Acre, Fortunate Son and Summer DreamsThe Wine Advocate | Lisa Perrotti-Brown

“I came up with Summer Dreams because I love summer,” said Woodbridge. “You can still get summer in the winter with these wines. They are made the same way that Hundred Acre is made, coming from very low-yielding vineyards in the Sonoma Coast, sorted berry by berry.”

Finally, Jayson Woodbridge is a perfectionist. He physically recoils when he recalls occasions when his vision was not perfectly, flawlessly achieved. Anything that falls short of this vision is a failure in his eyes. This attribute/affliction is not something Woodbridge told me about—it’s an observation. And it’s what’s in the glass. It’s tough to find fault in the Hundred Acre wines. Their scores remain consistently high, but I do not give these scores without careful consideration. It would not be honest, unbiased or fair to knock back scores just because they appear too consistently high. You can love or hate the style of these wines, which I aim to describe in the notes accurately, but what the Woodbridges have produced thus far at Hundred Acre is of an amazingly high standard across the board. Further to this, Helen and Jayson decided in the autumn of 2020 that no Hundred Acre Vineyard wines would be made from that vintage due to smoke taint.
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